We’re starting to field some serious media inquiries for Naked Warrior Project’s 1st annual Fishing Tournament – and while we are beyond thrilled, we’re hardly surprised.
First off, the March 9th tournament is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go fishing with Navy SEALs – and that alone is reason enough for the press to reach out. Then throw into the mix cash & prizes, delicious food, and South Florida’s best musical entertainment, and it’s hard not to give this story a look.
But what really pushes this tournament into full-blown “no brainer” territory for media organizations, is that the entire event will raise money for Naked Warrior Project, a truly remarkable non-profit organization. So there you have it.
Find out more about Naked Warrior Project in the links below. Then join us!
Register here: https://nakedwarriorproject.org/…/naked-warrior-project-fi…/
Check out sponsorship opportunities here: https://nakedwarriorproject.org/…/fishing-tournament-spons…/