On the Ground at grand bahama international airport

Bill Powers and his wife, Tyra Esquivel, started their weekend at Walmart, where they bought soap, toilet paper, propane, and other emergency supplies bound for Freeport. While on line, the gentleman directly behind them – who instantly recognized what they were doing – insisted on picking up part of their tab. It would not be the last time that day that the couple was moved by a spur-of-the-moment act of generosity.
From Walmart, it was on to Gold Aviation Services, Inc., to help load up supplies – like equipment provided by the owner of M/Y “Hospitality”, who had run out of room on his Abaco-bound 50-meter Westport. Car after car – from late-model Bentleys to 25 year-old Toyotas – also stopped by the hangar to drop off tons of badly-needed items.
Flying on a Quest Kodiak turbo prop plane, Bill and Tyra’s next stop was the nearly-destroyed Grand Bahama International Airport. After helping to unload their plane, and dropping off an ice-cold cooler of bottled water to the ground crew, they were back in the air, heading to FLL. While Bill is in the office today, he’ll be back in Freeport later this week.
AMAZON LINK to purchase relief supplies for delivery to Freeport-bound planes: https://amzn.to/2lMKg7Z